Oral Surgery

Crown Lengthening

If you have a gummy smile, your teeth can appear shorter than they really are. They’re actually the right length, but your gum tissue is covering the upper part of your teeth.

To correct this, excess gum and bone tissue is reshaped to reveal more of the tooth or teeth.

This procedure is called crown lengthening and can be performed on one tooth or multiple teeth to even your gumline, create longer looking teeth, and improve your smile.

Crown lengthening is also used to help with tooth restoration. With this scenario, Dr. Heering adjusts the gum and bone level to create a better foundation and structure for a crown or bridge.

Ridge Augmentation

When you lose a tooth or teeth, it can cause an indentation in the gum and jawbone where the tooth used to be. When the jawbone is no longer holding a tooth in place, it can recede. The indentation not only looks unappealing, it can also cause the replacement tooth to appear longer than the teeth surrounding it.

Ridge augmentation can fill in this defect, restoring the natural shape of the gums and jaw.

Once this is done, a crown can be created that looks and functions like a real tooth and fits in beautifully with the natural teeth.

Sinus Lifts

Sinus lifts are most often performed to support a dental implant procedure. The key to implant success is the quantity and quality of the bone where the implant is to be placed.

The upper back jaw is typically one of the more difficult areas to place dental implants because of how close it is to the sinus. Sometimes it doesn’t have the necessary bone quantity and quality.

If you’ve lost bone in that area due to periodontal disease or tooth loss, you may not have enough bone to support a dental implant.

Sinus lift surgery can fix this problem by raising the sinus floor and building up the bone in the upper back jaw.

There are several materials that can be used for this, including natural bone (taken from another part of your body) or synthetic bone (a material that functions like real bone).

It can take several months for the grafted bone to grow enough new bone to support a dental implant.

Sinus lift surgery can significantly increase the success of your dental implant surgery and help ensure lasting results.

Bone Grafting

If your jawbone isn’t sturdy enough to support a dental implant, you may require bone grafting.

Tooth Extractions

Sometimes a tooth cannot be repaired when it is too badly damaged, decayed or infected. When this occurs the tooth will need to be removed.

Before pulling your tooth, you will be given a local aesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. In some instances, we may use a general aesthetic as well.
The socket needs to heal before an implant (artificial tooth) can be put in. If the socket doesn’t have enough bone mass to support an implant, we can augment the existing bone with a bone graft.

We provide comprehensive anesthesia services for all surgical procedures.

Office Location

We are conveniently located at:
2115 Klockner Road
Hamilton, New Jersey 08690

Office Hours

Monday9 am – 6 pm

Tuesday9 am – 2 pm


Thursday9 am – 6 pm

Friday9 am – 12 pm

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Your way to a beautiful, healthy smile starts here.